Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Guidelines “Green Book” Material Culture Assignment 100 Points (Due Nov. 8th) This assignment will focus on your use of a piece of material culture. In this case, you will be looking at a resource used by African Americans to travel across the country d

Guidelines “Green Book” Material Culture Assignment

100 Points (Due Nov. 8th)

This assignment will focus on your use of a piece of material culture. In this case, you will be looking at a resource used by African Americans to travel across the country during the era of Jim Crow: “The Green Book”. For a brief historical discussion of the Green Book, listen to this interview from the NPR program 1A or the program from BBC Radio 4: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

You will take the role of travelers making their way through the United States using said Green Book. Pick a year from the Green Books available from the New York Public Library website ( (Links to an external site.)), and select a city boarding the demarcation line between “The North” and “The South”. For simplicity, it might be best to pick a city in the Midwest or just north of the Mason-Dixon Line. Once you have selected your Green Book and starting city, you will map a journey from your starting city to a city in Florida. This will take you through the Deep South and will give you an idea of the options (or lack thereof) available to African Americans while traveling during this era.

It is unlikely you will make it more than 300 miles a day, considering many would be traveling before the Interstate Highway system has been completed, or anywhere near current speed limits. On average, you will make between three and six stops during this trip.

You can see a similar project from the NYPL website for the years 1947 and 1957 here: (Links to an external site.) Note: Obviously because such work has already been done for the 1947 and 1957 Green Books, you will need to pick another year.

Once you have mapped out your journey, you will pick three “stops” and will investigate those locations. What was this stop? Who owned it? Why would this have been an appealing location for African Americans traveling through this area? And finally, what is this location now? The answers to these questions will require some extensive research on your part, moving beyond a simple Google search and possibly leading you to local history websites or information available beyond the Green Book. You might even want to consider contacting the present location and seeing if they are aware of the location’s history. A starting point for your research could be the US National Trust: (Links to an external site.)

You will write a short essay on what you found regarding your particular stops, including answering all of the questions listed above. This essay should be between 800 and 1200 words and include citations, sources, and images of said locations (either today or during the year you are covering). Sources should preferably come from academic sources and illustrate a level of intellectual rigor in your research. You will turn in your essay online through the link on Canvas. I will be using the anti-plagiarism software, so do be careful about quotations and material take from other sources. You will have until the end of the day (11:59 pm) on November 8thto turn it in.

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