Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. critical thinking essay

About critical thinking.

Using examples from three of the following four essays: Twain’s “Corn-Pone Opinion,” Mill’s “On Liberty,” Golding’s “Thinking as a Hobby,” and Emerson’s “Self-Reliance” using examples from three of these essays as the basis for for the point you will make. You will also include points of view and opinions you have heard while sheltering in place…remembering to use third person (the challenge).

Here are the link:

The first two:

Thinking as a Hobby:


1500-2000 words, MLA format.

Reminders: essay titles go in quotes, titles of books are italicized; include the authors’ names (sometimes students in their haste neglect this); use present tense when writing about the written word even if the authors are long dead; write in third person.

Humanities Homework Help

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