Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. revision of essay 3 lesser worked on Its only a revision so it should only take an hour

Essay 3. Arguing a Position Research Paper: The goal of this essay is to persuade your reader toward understanding your opinion on an issue. We will work on the various rhetorical elements that enable us to build convincing arguments, including developing a clear thesis, addressing counterarguments, and supporting and qualifying claims. Using correct MLA documentation, for this final essay you will use research and quotations from 6 outside sources to support your view. Length: Final, 2000 words/6 pages (+Works Cited) 300 points. DUE SUNDAY, 12/10 at 11:59 PM.

Read instructions make sure everything is done as followed

I had students from my class revise my essay take what they said follow instructions and perfect my essay please and thank you. should be easy

Humanities Homework Help

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