Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. IREL 102 The Era of Equivalence

Write an essay of 3000-4000 words on the topic ; The Era of Equivalence

Use 6 different credible sources inclusive of footnotes and bibliography , all work should be done according to the APA style(No wikipedia sources please)

Include subheadings

Make sure to cover everything about the topic and your conclusion should : address the significance/legacy of the topic, give the answers to any questions asked in the intro, present your main findings and lastly, give your overall opinion.

I will put down the name of two textbooks that can serve as part of your sources: The Essential World History, Vol 2, Since 1500( 7th Edition By William J, Duiker & Jackson.J Spielvogel ; Modern Europe from the Renaissance to the Present by John Merriman

Humanities Homework Help

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