Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Congressional organization that held widely publicized investigations to prove that, under Democratic rule, the government had fostered communist subversion

With whom did the United States side in the “China problem”?

Multiple Choice

In his speech on the containment policy, which two nations did President Truman reference?

Multiple Choice

What event solidified American support for the Marshall Plan?

Multiple Choice

When it became evident that Chiang Kai-shek’s nationalist forces were losing the Chinese civil war to Mao Zedong’s
communists, the Truman administration devoted increased attention to the revitalization of what nation as a strong
pro-Western force in Asia?

Multiple Choice

The concept of the policy of containment is most closely associated with

Multiple Choice

Four of the following were significant features of the National Security Act of 1947. Which is the exception?

Multiple Choice

Truman’s response to the Berlin blockade was to

Multiple Choice

After the election of 1948, Truman succeeded in getting four of the following parts of his domestic program passed.
Which one did Congress NOT approve?

Multiple Choice

The United States originally offered to include the Soviet Union and its Eastern European satellites in the Marshall

Plan for economic recovery.

Group starts. True or False

President Truman’s “Fair Deal,” including the Taft-Hartley Act, was designed mainly as a conservative reaction
to the reforms of the New Deal.

Group startsTrue or False

The investigation by the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) exposed convincing evidence that
communist agents had thoroughly infiltrated the U.S. Department of State during World War II while the United
States was officially allied with the Soviet Union against Germany.

Group startsTrue or False

In response to the anticommunist movement, President Truman undertook which of the following actions?

Multiple Choice
  • passage of the McCarran Act

Which of the following most accurately describes public opinion on economic policy after the war?

Multiple Choice

How long did the Berlin airlift last?

Multiple Choice

On what did most western scholars lay blame for the Cold War during the first decade of the conflict?

Multiple Choice

Which European imperial systems did the document mention in terms of “drastic decline”?

Multiple Choice

Aside from developing a stronger international community, what new policy was suggested in this document?

Multiple Choice

When North Korea invaded South Korea, for a time they controlled almost all the peninsula. The area around what city was the only area not under North Korean control?

Multiple Choice

Humanities Homework Help

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