Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. human behavior questions, psychology homework help

1.-  Miranda is in the process of
decorating her new home, but refuse to buy anything yellow because it reminds
her too much on her childhood home growing up. Miranda is in the:

Mid-Life Phase

Novice Phase

Preadulthood phase

Final phase

2.-  Meredith was the only one of her
friends to pursue graduate school. She has noticed that since she entered
medical school she has had less contact with her friends from college and even
less contact with her friends from high school. Meredith is experiencing:

  a)  Friendship change

  b)  Social Friendship Exchange Theory

  c)  Social convey

  d)  Socioemotional selectivity

3.-  As Richard has gotten older he now enjoys
cooking and cleaning around the house even more. This is an example which
theory :

  a)  Productive Aging Theory

  b)  Generativity V. Stagnation

  c)  Feminist Theory

  d)  Jung’s Theory of Balance

4.-  Although Callie cannot maintain her
active lifestyle as much as she dis when she was younger, she continues to work
out on a regular basis, attend social events, and keep things spicy on the bedroom!
This is an example of which theory?

  a)  Emerging Older adulthood

  b)  Activity Theory

  c)  Age Stratification perspective

  d)  Levinson’s theory of Balance

5.-  Young adults are typically in a stage
of spiritual development called individuative-reflective faith, a stage when
the person begins to let go of the idea of external authority and looks for
authority within the self.

  a)  True

  b)  False

Humanities Homework Help

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