Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Discussion Question- ENG Composition 102

Your responses should be approximately 150-250 words, minimum, and include independent analysis and demonstrate careful thought. No research is necessary, nor should any secondary sources be used; these are not research essays!

1). Having read “The Lottery” and “The Best Outraged Reactions to Shirley Jackson’s ‘The Lottery,” I’d like to hear your reading of the text. Is it just a “perverted” story, or does it say something more? What?

Your responses are subjective interpretations, but remember that these are formal responses: they should avoid use of I or you throughout and should be grammatically correct, free of errors in mechanics, grammar, usage, spelling, and documentation.They should include independent analysis and demonstrate careful thought, but no research is necessary, nor should any outside resources be used; the only sources utilized or quoted should be those provided in this week’s learning module.

2). Here’s your chance to respond to the story in a critically-informed way. Based on your understanding of various approaches covered this week, discuss “The Rocking-Horse Winner” in terms of one of the following approaches: Reader-Response Criticism, Marxist Criticism, or Psychoanalytic Criticism. Take one approach and show how it does—or does not—apply to the story. There is no “right” answer, but your responses should include independent analysis and demonstrate careful thought. Remember, these are formal responses, and standard rules of grammar, punctuation, syntax and diction apply.

Humanities Homework Help

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