Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. INTL 646 Week 8

  1. INTL 646 Final Assignment


    Choose two (2) questions from those listed below and submit 3-4 pages addressing of the questions you select. Focus on the required class readings for your answers, but you may supplement with other information as needed. Remember to follow the writing requirements, provided in your week 1 announcements, for the assignment. You must have a clear thesis as the last sentence of the introduction and use research appropriately.

    1. What, if anything is unique about the transnational crime and illicit goods issues policy makers face in regard to Afghanistan and Central Asia? Define terms and provide examples.
    2. Are illicit goods (not human) smuggling a victimless crime (why or why not)? Define terms and provide examples.
    3. What are some of the similarities and differences that exist among different transnational organized crime groups? Why are these significant? Define terms and provide examples.
    4. What is the difference between crime, terrorism, and anarchy? Why are these significant? Define terms and provide examples.
    5. What is an appropriate role for the U.S. (and allied governments) in addressing the trafficking of illicit narcotics OUTSIDE their own borders? Don’t forget to address state sovereignty. Define terms and provide examples.
    6. Why is cyber crime such a lucrative criminal venture? Submit and defend one technological advance or policy course of action that would address a specific cyber crime. Define terms and provide examples.
    7. What is the relationship between poverty and human smuggling/trafficking? Can states and NGOs (or the UN and other IGOs) fix the former to eliminate the latter? Why or why not? Define terms and provide examples.
    8. Name one terror group and one transnational crime group who have failed. Explain why they failed. Don’t forget citations.

    IRLS 655 Final Assessment-week 8

    InstructionsAssume you are assigned to the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (DASD) for Western Hemisphere Affairs. A new DASD has been nominated by the President and will soon begin confirmation hearings before the Senate Armed Forces Committee. You have been tasked to develop one of a number of background/point papers for the nominated DASD to use during her confirmation hearings before the Senate Armed Forces Committee. You are to write a 8-10 page paper that addresses two principal themes: a. What are the major regional and international realities and trends that will affect Latin American security for the next decade; and b. What are possible future alternatives for Latin American security?This assignment consists of a 8-10 pages doubled spaced paper, using Times New Roman 12 font. You should use approximately ½ of your paper for each of the two topics. You should use and reference readings from the course, and you may also use an open Internet search and popular media, but be sure to cite and reference all your sources. The School strongly prefers the use of the Turabian/University of Chicago citations.

    IRLS 602 White Paper on Terrorism

    InstructionsYou are the advisor to a senior policy maker tasked with writing a report for your boss. They have asked you to give some recommendations, regarding the national strategy for combating terrorism on both global and domestic fronts, and how to improve policy options for defeating terrorism, including your recommendations for reform for the Intelligence Community. What do you tell them in your report, and why?The text of the report should be no fewer than 3 pages and no more than 6, double-spaced, 12 font.You should apply information that you have obtained from class readings and external resources. You should have at least four credible references.

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