Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Rewrite the answers for the 3 questions below, for the examples of question 2 and 3 must he different

Chambliss gives a description of two groups of students who engage most often engage in delinquent behaviors only that the society perceives and treats each group differently. While the community perceives the saints as rich and well-behaved delinquents (a situation that makes them get away with all wrongs they do), the Roughnecks are perceived as the ill-mannered and poor delinquents that often collide with instructors at school, the society and the law.

Society seems to glorify the rich regardless of their wrong doing while the same society is often willing to quickly condemn the poor even with the slightest provocation. From the sociological perspective, I think the story of the Saints and the rough necks exemplifies the labeling theory at work. According to the labeling theory, if a person is repeatedly told that he is a failure or a criminal, eventually he or she ends up becoming one.

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Question 7

0 / 15 points

What are the 5 techniques of neutralization? List and explain each technique AND give an example for each technique.

Denial of Responsibility:

Someone will say that they’re a victim of circumstances, for example, if someone poor got addicted to drugs, they’ll say because I was poor and had nothing that could relief me except drugs

Denial of Injury:

people think that what they’re doing isn’t causing harm to anyone. For example, smoking in public.

Blaming the Victim:

Someone will say that the victim deserves it. For example, destroying someone’s reputation because you didn’t like them.

Condemn the Condemners:

Someone will react because of their hate or spite to people. For example, when a racist calls all Muslims terrorists .

Appealing to a Higher Loyalty:

Example, A poor kid will steal food for their family and would say I did it for the family.

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Question 8

0 / 15 points

What are the 7 stages of deviant identity career development according to Adler & Adler? Define each stage AND give an example of each stage.

Stage 1 (Caught and Publicly Identified): People now think of the person differently, for example, if someone was suspected for a crime, people will start fearing from them.

Stage 2 (Retrospective Interpretation) People in this stage spread news about that crime.

Stage 3 (Spoiled Identity): Losing reputation, if someone steals, they’ll be always called theft.

Stage 4 (Exclusion) : Making someone isolated from society for an action they did. for example, No bodywants to deal with that theft or criminal

Stage 5 (Inclusion): Now, some people will start to put that person in different social circles. For example, they’ll say ” That person did wrong because they were trying to show that being poor isn’t easy and could lead to criminal behaviors.

Stage 6 (Treated Differently): In this stage the person will lose people’s trust. For example, For that criminal who stole, they’d never trust him or her on their money or property.

Stage 7 (Internalization of the Label): In this stage, the person will start thinking of themselves differently. For example, the person will think that he or she is criminal and no body accepts them anymore.

Humanities Homework Help

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