Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Marketing Final

company is DISNEY: I have attached previous assignments for reference

Part I – Written Paper

Written Assignment Requirements

Include all sections of the Marketing Communication Plan. You will need to follow the template provided and the guidelines under each section. I encourage you to revise your Sections I, II and III (based on my feedback) to submit with section IV and your final IMC plan in Week 8

• Use Font Times New Roman, Size 12 with 1 inch margins

• Include cover page and reference page.

• At least 80% of your paper must be original content/writing.

• No more than 20% of your content/information may come from references.

• Use at least three references from outside the course material, one reference must be from EBSCOhost. Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the three reference requirement.

• Cite all reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) in the paper and list on a reference page in APA style. References must come from sources such as, scholarly journals found in EBSCOhost, CNN, online newspapers such as, The Wall Street Journal, government websites, etc. Sources such as, Wikis, Yahoo Answers, eHow, blogs, etc. are not acceptable for academic writing.


Title Page:

The following information should be included:

  • Student Name and GID
  • Client and Brand
  • Professor’s Name
  • Date

Executive Summary (min 750 words)

A summary of exactly what your IMC plan involves. Among the items to include are:

• Major target audiences

• Time period of the plan

• Campaign objectives

• Campaign theme/slogan

• Overall budget total

The Executive Summary may be arranged in any fashion, but it has to pack a wallop. Remember, the basic purpose of the Executive Summary is to inform top officials at the client organization exactly what you are proposing — in one or two pages. Be precise. Be complete.

Section I: Review of Marketing Plan

Industry Background (min 250 words)

o To include size, growth, current trends or developments affecting the program as well as macro-environment factors and issues (e.g. demographic, economic, political, technological, social, cultural, environmental).

Company Snapshot (min 250 words)

o To include place in the industry (size, growth, image), sales history, target markets, positioning and brand review. Also to include market share and market growth, SWOT, key benefits and brand image

Product/Brand Description (min 250 words)

o To include market share and market growth, SWOT, key benefits, product image and product positioning

Competitive Review (min 250 words)

o To include direct and indirect competitors by discussing target markets, positioning, current advertising, sales promotions, public relations and direct marketing programs, as well as message and media strategies.

Buyer Analysis (min 250 words)

o To include user profile (demographic, geographic, psychographic and behavioristic factors), buying decision process, who buys the product, who influences the purchase decision, who makes the decision and decision criteria.

Marketing Goals (min 500 words)

o To include what is to be accomplished by the overall marketing program. The situation analysis is the foundation for the marketing goals. They are defined in terms of one or some combination of the following: sales volume, market share, sales revenue, profit and return on investment.

Section II: Objectives and Strategies

Integrated Marketing Communications Objectives/Strategies (500-750 words)

A statement of what the marketing communications program will accomplish – the role the program will play in the marketing effort. IMC objectives involve a desired audience response, which results from the process of consumer decision making, useful frameworks for planners are the response hierarchy/funnel models discussed in Chapters 5 and 7 of the text.

Objectives must meet the requirements for sound communications objectives as discussed in the text.

Example Objectives: Awareness, Knowledge, Liking, Preference, Conviction or Purchase)

Knowledge Objectives are used when the target audience has awareness but knows little beyond that.

Section III Creative Strategies

Advertising Objectives (min. 250 words)

o What is the advertising supposed to do? Example: To increase awareness………

Message Strategies & Appeals (min. 500 words)

o Message Strategy: What the advertising is attempting to communicate; i.e. the benefit, problem solution or other advantage that is the value of the product. Example: Use of this product will allow you to recover more quickly after strenuous exercise.

o Message Appeals: How the advertising stimulates interest and influences feelings. Example: fear pleasure, comfort, convenience.

Media Recommendations w/ Examples (min. 500-750 words)

o Provide 3 examples of media outlets you will use to promote this product. Examples we discussed in class are TV, Radio, Newspaper, Magazine, Direct Marketing, Internet/Interactive Media, Promotions and Publicity and Public Relations. With each example you will need to include the following:





o You will also need to include the creative aspect of each selection. For instance if you are choosing a TV commercial. Create a story board and provide a detailed description of the commercial.

Section IV: Budget Summary/Conclusion

Budget Summary (min 500-750 words)

o This section is a summary of all costs of the campaign (e.g., media, production, sales promotion, direct marketing, public relations, sponsorship, endorsements, measurement and evaluation expenditures, and more). The budget should show both dollar and percent-of-total expenditures. In addition to the raw numbers, provide a reflection on the budget.

Monitoring, Evaluation and Control (min 250 words)

o How will you monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing communications plan.

Conclusion (min 500 words)

o A very brief review of your plan and how well it meets the needs of the client. One page should be sufficient to summarize the factors that make your plan the one that will best get the job done for the client. Recommendations for the future.

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