Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Weekly Log #3

This assignment is a weekly log for you to keep track of and get credit for doing workouts for our physical fitness class. You will need to complete 100 minutes this week (due this Sunday). These activities will include the 19 Minute HIIT (19 minutes each) videos (please complete this workout twice this week). Also, these should include 100 crunches which you must complete at least twice this week. Other activities can include exercises that you find on the internet, stretching routine shown to you in this class, walking, jogging, and any other physical activity that would be beneficial for you. Please do not be afraid to be creative. However, you must complete each weeks required workout items listed below to receive full credit.

I want you to use this log to help motivate you to stay active. Maybe you do these workouts, stretching or conditioning exercises with a family member. By staying active you will not only get credit for this class, more importantly you will stay more physically fit, help reduce stress, go outside and perhaps spend some quality time with a family member. You can do these exercises and drills all in 2 days, over 3 days, over 7 days or any amount of days in a week. I want you to decide what is best for you for that particular week.

I would like you to cut and paste the “log template” below and use it when you hand in your weekly log assignment. The log template is for 7 days but you can cut it down to 2 days or 3 days or any amount of days if that is what you choose to do for a particular week. You will need to put in the specific day, exercise/drill completed and total time in minutes. I have include sample workouts below the log template (with 100 minutes for logged exercise/drills).

I know most of you are already doing physical fitness activities during this “stay at home” time. I want you to get credit for these activities and introduce you to other activities that can be fitness related.


In order to receive full credit for this log you must do the following this week and list it in your weekly log:

  • Stretching routine (5 minutes each) video (complete at least 2 times)
  • 19 Minute HIIT (19 minutes each) video (complete at least 2 times)
  • 100 Crunches (5 minutes each) video (complete at least 2 times)

To get to the 100 minute Weekly Log minimum, you can repeat the above exercises, or choose from the list below. If you go over the 100 minute Weekly Log minimum please list the exercises. I really would like to see all the great workouts you are completing during your week.

If you do less than the required items, you will only receive partial credit or no credit.

Below is a list of workouts in different areas that we have covered in this course. This list is to help you choose your workouts for the week. Please choose from this list when deciding on the workouts to use beyond the minimum workouts listed above under Grading “to earn full credit“.

Workout Video Library for ES 19abc

  • Stretching
    • Stretching video (5 mins)
  • Core
    • 100 crunches (5 mins)
  • Workouts – extended time
    • Level 1 Speed & Agility HIIT (25 mins)
    • Level 2 Speed & Agility (25 mins)
    • 19 Minute HIIT (19 mims)
  • Cardio/Core Workouts – short time
    • Jump Rope 10’s (5 mins)

I will be adding to this list as we progress through the semester. We will be creating a “workout library” for you to use throughout this semester and hopefully beyond this semester. Remember you can also add your own current workouts or workouts you attain through the internet for your weekly log.

Weekly Log for Physical Fitness

Saturday – Date:

Exercise/Drill (time):

Exercise/Drill (time):

Sunday – Date:

Exercise/Drill (time):

Exercise/Drill (time):

Monday – Date:

Exercise/Drill (time):

Exercise/Drill (time):

Tuesday – Date:

Exercise/Drill (time):

Exercise/Drill (time):

Wednesday – Date:

Exercise/Drill (time):

Exercise/Drill (time):

Thursday – Date:

Exercise/Drill (time):

Exercise/Drill (time):

Friday – Date:

Exercise/Drill (time):

Exercise/Drill (time):

Sample log template for 2 day

Wednesday – Date: Feb 3

Exercise/Drill (time): Level 1 – Speed & Agility Video (25 mins)

Exercise/Drill (time): Walk/Jog or abdominal routine (10 mins)

Exercise/Drill (time): Stretching (5 mins)

Friday – Date: Feb 5

Exercise/Drill (time): Level 1 – Speed & Agility Video (25 mins)

Exercise/Drill (time): Stretching (5 mins)

Sample log template for 3 days

Tuesday – Date: Feb 2

Exercise/Drill (time): Level 1 – Speed & Agility Video (25 mins)

Exercise/Drill (time): Stretching (5 mins)

Wednesday – Date: Feb 3

Exercise/Drill (time): Walk/Jog (20 mins)

Exercise/Drill (time): Stretching Routine (5 mins)

Friday – Date: Feb 5

Exercise/Drill (time): Level 1 – Speed & Agility Video (25 mins)

Exercise/Drill (time): Stretching (5 mins)

Sample log template for 5 days

Monday – Date: Feb 1

Exercise/Drill (time): Level 1 – Speed & Agility Video (25 mins)

Exercise/Drill (time): Stretching (5 mins)

Tuesday – Date: Feb 2

Exercise/Drill (time): Stretching Routine (5 mins)

Exercise/Drill (time): Walk (10 mins)

Wednesday – Date: Feb 3

Exercise/Drill (time): Level 1 – Speed & Agility Video (25 mins)

Exercise/Drill (time): Stretching (5 mins)

Thursday – Date: Feb 4

Exercise/Drill (time): Walk/Jog (10 mins)

Exercise/Drill (time): Stretching Routine (5 mins)

Friday – Date: Feb 5

Exercise/Drill (time): Level 1 – Speed & Agility Video (25 mins)

Exercise/Drill (time): Stretching (5 mins)

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