Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. count 120

I have provided you with a variety of educational planning tools below as you will be creating an Educational Plan and Goal Statement that is due next week. It is important for you to have a plan toward your ultimate goal. I want you to plan out what courses you will be taking to reach your goal. Everyone’s goal is unique. Some of you may be looking at certificate programs, associate degrees or transferring. These are all very complicated processes and it is important you know what you are doing. I advise all of you to meet with a college counselor so you can plan and prepare correctly to save you time – making sure you pick the correct classes and program that works for you and your future career. The transfer process has become quite tricky as there are many different types of pathways.

If you are a student who has already graduated or still in high school – you still have goals and plans to accomplish, correct? This is where you will explain your unique plans and goals based on what you plan to pursue/do in life! The goal is for you to have a plan next semester and beyond.

In this Discussion, share your knowledge and answer the questions I have asked above, depending on your educational goal. Certificate? Associates? Associates and Transfer? Transfer? What have you learned? Upload an Abbreviated (one semester) plan here. That would be the courses you plan to take next semester. Also answer this, “What are your educational goals toward your future career? You can also upload your comprehensive educational plan (six semester ed plan) if you wish. Either plan or both are fine for this Discussion

Humanities Homework Help

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