Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. HM598 application of theoretical foundations to current knowledge and practice in emergency management

Develop a 15-20 slide PowerPoint presentation that addresses the application of theoretical foundations to current knowledge and practice in emergency management. Select three of the theories listed below and consider how each informs our efforts in homeland security and/or emergency management.

  • Complexity Theory
  • Risk Perception Theory
  • Systems Theory
  • Vulnerability Theory

Apply the three selected theories to existing policies and procedures in emergency management and/or homeland security and analyze recommendations for improvement. Include the following:

  • An overview of each of the selected theories and their relevance to the practice of homeland security and/or emergency management.
  • An application of each of the selected theories to real-world examples of efforts related to homeland security and/or emergency management (such as phases of the EM cycle, counterterrorism efforts, etc.) and the established policies and procedures utilized in those efforts.
  • An analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of the selected efforts within the context of the theories applied and established policies and procedures.
  • Recommendations for the continued application of theoretical foundations to emergency management knowledge, doctrine, and practice.

Humanities Homework Help

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