Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Answer FOUR of these question in a 4-5 paragraph for each question.

Instructions: you need to use Perspectives on Early America: An Interactive Reader to answer these questions. Each answer should be 4-5 paragraphs and you need to use examples from the essays in your answer. You need to answer FOUR of these questions.

Please follow the Instruction carefully and answer at least 4 paragraph for each question. Make sure to write the question then the answer under it. Answer four question you can choice any four you like. ADD examples to your answer.

  1. Gonda- Colonial Women. Describe the situation of colonial women in North America and use examples from the essay to illustrate your answer.

  1. McMichael- Abigail Adams. Write a biography of Abigail Adams from the information in this essay with examples from her life and times.

  1. McMahon: Beginnings of American Culture. Describe the origins of American culture by using examples from this essay to show how our culture began.

  1. Comer-Eastern Woodland Indians. What was the lifestyle of these Indians and the mound builder Indians like before the arrival of whites? Use examples from the essay to illustrate your answer.

  1. Baydo-Origins of Indian Policy. What were the major elements and individuals involved in the beginning of United States government policy towards the Indians and how did Tecumseh challenge that policy?

  1. Brudvig- Pawns of War. Where were some of the different examples at the attempts to educate the Indians of Virginia? Again use examples from the essay to illustrate your answer.

  1. Baydo-Indians Wars of the West. Write a narrative that gives an overview of the wars of the West. Again use examples from the essay in your answer.

Humanities Homework Help

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