Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Discussion 1 anthropology

Reading and Learning History (my example is the first reply)

(Note: If you are also taking Anthro 101, it’s ok for your initial post to be the same as for that class, but be sure that you reply to a different pair of students in this class.)

1) Share: Personal Reading History (5 pts)

Think about your evolution as a reader of STEM texts (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math), not just in your earliest days, but up through high school, and to the present. Write in response to the following questions:

  • What supported you in your scientific and/or mathematical literacy development?
  • What barriers have you faced at various stages in your life as a reader of STEM texts?

2) Share: Personal Learning history (5 pts)

Think about your evolution as a learner in general, not just in your earliest days, but up through high school, and to the present. Write in response to the following questions:

  • What supported you in your learning?
  • What barriers have you faced at various stages in your life as a learner?

3) Read the linked Growth Mindset (Links to an external site.) article.

4) Watch the linked Metacognition video.

By the due date, 11:59pm, use this discussion board to share your personal reading history and your personal learning history. Separate the two in your post.

By the following day, 11:59pm, thoughtfully reply to two of your classmates by offering a strategy that might help them overcome or manage their particular learning or reading challenge in order to succeed in the class. A thoughtful response will include a specific strategy (e.g., NOT “have better time management”) and will be especially strong if it is connected to a Metacognition technique (5 points each). Responses that do not offer specific strategies or connect to Metacognition will not receive credit.

Humanities Homework Help

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