Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. see the requirement

Background Description:

The criminal justice system, or the apparatus that informs and creates the “law” or the “rules” for society, impacts all of our lives directly and indirectly. However, given popular sentiment, social media, and internet bloggers, issues regarding the criminal justice system, the prison-industrial-complex, the framing of criminals, and police practices, are often misinformed and misguided. Many attempts of analyzing policing issues are largely based on quantitative data (which in some cases can cloud our understanding) and may offer limited insights into our given justice system. Controversial topics such as police brutality, particularly the shooting of unarmed men and women, are often justified by those that “do not follow the law” and therefore go largely unpunished and unexamined.

Questions: Investigate the social problems raised by police brutality and its impact on our society by considering the following probing questions:

  • What are the issues associated with the working personality (behavior) of police officers? (Section 8.5).
  • How do we move towards increased societal and police accountability?
  • How often are body cameras incorporated into incident reporting?
  • What are some strategies we can employ to address police shootings of unarmed civilians?

Task: You are to write a minimum of 1-2 pages evaluating policing in the U.S. and the issue of accountability. Cite 2 real life cases that make a case for body cameras (one case for and one against). Based on the blog below, textbook, and other relevant information, what is your final conclusion? In essence you are bringing awareness to police brutality and developing a solution to the solution “body cameras” (for further context read the blog on body cameras below).

Short Blog

The Society Pages blog: “Are We Really Looking at Body Cameras?” (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.


Textbook ( other sources must be cited in MLA format.


Minimum 1-2 full pages, 12-point font, Times New Roman, and double spaced with 1 inch margins.

Humanities Homework Help

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