Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Research Methodology

Sociological Investigation requires two key requirements

-A Sociological Perspective

-Be curious and ask questions

1. Scientific Sociology

To be able to systematically study society and to be able to replicate what you find. Typically quantitative research.

Methodology: Experiment-investigates cause and effect under highly controlled

conditions. Tries to understand how and why certain behavior


Survey-Directed at populations using questionnaires or interviews. Subjects respond to a series of statements or questions. Survey research is usually descriptive rather than explanatory.

2. Interpretive Sociology

To be able to take part in the social world that one studies. Typically qualitative research

Methodology: Participant-Observation-researchers systematically observe people while joining in their routine activities. It is descriptive and often explanatory.

3. Critical Sociology

To be able to move beyond studying the world towards changing it. Typically results in forms of activism.

Methodology: Action research- research from the ground up and policy-based research. Any research that creates/stimulates change on a community and/or policy level. A combination of both quantitative and qualitative research.

Lecture Based Assignment #2B

Formulate a research plan for studying student excuses. Use the “Steps in Conducting Research” below to do this assignment.

Steps in Conducting Research:

  1. Problem formulation
  2. Develop a research design (Observation; Surveys; Experiments)
  3. Data collection
  4. Data analysis
  5. Draw conclusions
  6. Public dissemination of findings

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