Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Identifying Defense Mechanisms in the Media

For this assignment, you will find examples in the media highlighting the defense mechanisms discussed in class and put them in a Powerpoint presentation. You may use movie clips, T.V. episodes or clips from the episode, and/or T.V. commercials.


To earn full credit, your creation needs:

1. One example per defense mechanism

2. For each Powerpoint slide:

a. Identify defense mechanism

b. The title of the show, movie, or commercial the example is from

c. The link to the clip/episode or commercial

d. A self-written statement about how the clip/video represents the defense mechanism

Defense Mechanisms

1. when there is a conflict between the id and superego, anxiety is produced

2. ego reduces anxiety by using techniques called defense mechanisms

3. have 2 common characteristics

a. they operate unconsciously- we aren’t aware we are engaging in them

b. they distort, deny and falsify reality

1. denial- refusing to acknowledge painful reality

ex- refusing to believe significant other broke up with you

2. repression- pushing painful thoughts and memories into the unconscious

ex- occurs in traumatic situations (abuse)

3. projection- throwing undesirable thoughts and behaviors onto someone else; it involves

two people

ex- insisting to your friends that your significant other still loves you when you are the

one that still loves him/her

4. identification- taking on characteristics of other people; trying to be like someone else

5. regression- reverting back to childhood behaviors to deal with a problem

ex- throwing temper tantrums when you don’t get your way

6. intellectualization- taking an academic, non-emotional stance to deal with anxiety

provoking topic

ex- diagnosed with disorder/disability; instead of worrying, go to the library to research it

7. reaction formation- doing the opposite of what you think or feel

ex- saying you cant stand your ex even though you want him/her back

8. sublimation- converting sexual/aggressive impulses into socially acceptable behavior

– can be viewed as a “healthy” defense mechanism

ex- instead of getting angry and beating crap out of your ex, you exert that negative

energy into a sport

9. rationalization- coming up with a beneficial end to undesirable situations; making

excuses for behavior/situations

ex- saying you will find a hotter, smarter significant other

Humanities Homework Help

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