Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Three part question

Use this discussion space for catharsis, help, and sympathy. What are you struggling with in the revision for your final Think Piece Paper? What questions do you have about the assignment, the process, the revision? What always confounds you when you write and revise?

Answer your peers, empathize with their issues, offer advice.

This space should be safe in order to get through this final week and its work.

Make two primary posts that are at least 200 words to the paper that I have attached below. Answer the questions about the revision and what you have about the process for my paper, ask what you think it needs and discuss your thoughts on the paper that I have wrote as if you wrote it. What do you think the paper has struggling wise, what does it need to work on?

Then for the next part you have to respond to these three posts and continue the conversation, offer them advice, general advice, respond to each post with hello, their name

Sam’s post:

One of my major struggles for my think piece final is making sure my readers can understand what I am talking about and if they can relate to my paper. For my topic, I chose our think piece #2 which focuses on when I found out Santa was not real. Keeping that fictional character in mind I want my reader to understand the pain and torture that I have discussed in the work to find out he did not exist. Clarity and having my work be understood to my reader I feel can make or break a good paper. By no means am I a great writer but having my work make sense is a great baseline as to where I sit with a reader. When I type and “try” to get my point across I always think so much faster than I can type. Trying to pace my brain with so many ideas is something that is extremely challenging for me so when I get an idea I will jot it down before I forget so I can stay on track and avoid any misunderstanding.

Felix’s post:

Hi colleagues,

I want to take this opportunity on this forum to give my personal testimony and say who I am. Some of my peers read my essay I am developing into a final paper. It is about my personal journey of life experience. I enrolled in this college in the spring of 2015 as an adult and continuing student at age 60. At the end of that year I was diagnosed with some cancer tumors and my doctors put on immediate treatment which included radiation therapy and other heavy medications. I wanted to discontinue my learning, but my doctor told me to stay on as that was to put keep my mind away from worries. I have been struggling with the disease alongside my course which by the grace of God I will finalize at the end of fall.

In this course I can tell you that it is a good course now almost ending, but with my conditions, it was quite a race. As I have said I am not the young man I was in the 70s and coupled with my failing health, it was nightmare. With the many medications I take, I have trouble with memory. I have, however, not come to that level where I can bungle up my writing. I would say that the course was a real learning discovery of experience. There were many things we have learned. She thought all the materials that we needed for professional writing. I believe we are ready to be writers in business, book writing and in journalism. My advice is to encourage each one of you to use the power of the pen and paper at your disposal and the opportunities are limitless.

Lawrence’s post:

A biggest struggle with my think piece is my inability to convey my emotions to the reader. My piece is meant to be persuasive and evoke an emotional response from the reader. Its far too robotic in its delivery and I can’t seem to get out of this sense of narrating. I keep telling instead of showing and I am having a lot of trouble getting out of that habit with my writing.

Humanities Homework Help

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