Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Pick ONE reason to explain why Israel is or is not necessary as a Jewish homeland.

A. For this discussion: Pick ONE reason to explain why Israel is or is not necessary as a Jewish homeland. **This question is NOT asking if Israel should be the Jewish homeland. It IS the Jewish homeland (has been for about 70 years) and will continue to be until an atomic bomb is dropped. It is asking if the state is NECESSARY as a Jewish homeland to protect Jews from global discrimination and violent anti-Semitism that has persisted for thousands of years.

  • There are many topics to choose from (see Lecture/ PP). Thoroughlyanalyze the one reason you choose.
  • Include at least five (5) specific examples. At least three (3) examples should come from the assigned documents, the others can come from Lecture/PP/WOW. Specific examples include quotes, statistics, maps, film clips, and images, etc.

Humanities Homework Help

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