Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. 1000 words on the communist revolution in China

Submit the research and respond onto the Discussion Board for that Unit.

A: Research Part: must be associated with the chapters listed for that Unit.

  1. Pick a topic to research by choosing one of the bolded headings in our textbook. For example, a topic could be the imagists (355) or Nijinsky (375) or Magritte or Dali (393) in our textbook, the Humanistic Tradition, Book 6 (7th edition). You must “reserve” your topic by the listed due date. No two students can pick the same topic.
  2. Research your topic, beginning with our textbook (The Humanistic Tradition) and then expanding to other academic sources. You must use our ICC library databases. Begin your search by typing in your search term(s) under “LIBRARY SEARCH”. You are also encouraged to use “Films on Demand” (scroll down). Use at least one source from the Library.
  3. After researching your topic, narrow it down to a manageable size. For example, you could write an entire book on Mexico’s Mural Renaissance (Fiero 409), but you will narrow it down to something of interest you discovered in your research. This narrowed focus will come out of your research. It’s important that you understand the difference between a surface, no depth, Wikipedia-type writing and a more academic and thorough type of research. Expect to spend about 3 to 4 hours researching and coming up with preliminary sources.
  4. Provide a visual. Even if your research topic is philosophical, you can still provide a picture of the philosopher. For example, students discussing Freud’s theories provide pictures of the tripartite brain. If your topic is a composer or musician, include his/her music. You are teaching others in our class about this artist or style. If you are referring to John Cage, it’s important to your audience to know what his music was like or what controversy he engendered.
  5. Use a word-processed document (minimum of 1,000 words) that you will edit and upload to Assignments tab > the appropriate unit. Use standard English because you do not want your writing to distract from what you want to communicate. You do not want your reader to focus on the grammar rather than your content.

Humanities Homework Help

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