Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Comparison exercise

Compare two different versions between The Taming of a shrew and The Taming of The Shrew. Focus on significant differences of content–where do the emphases lie in the quarto Kate’s speech? How does the speech in the Norton Shakespeare differ? Do these two speeches use different metaphors, images, or allusions, and how do those differences affect the meaning? What does the longer version include that the shorter one does not? Does one speech seem more ironic or sincere to you, and why?

Underneath the transcription that you’ve cut and pasted, write a substantial paragraph focusing on what you see as the most significant difference in content between the two speeches. Include citations of lines to support your point of view. In the final line of your paragraph, summarize how this comparison has sharpened your understanding of the speech from The Taming of the Shrew.

Humanities Homework Help

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