Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Migration and African Americans in the late 1800’s

  1. Why was there a global migration from rural to urban areas in the late 1800s?
  2. Who came to the U.S.? Why?
  3. What distinguished “old immigrants” from “new immigrants?”
  4. How and why did the social geography of the cities change in the late 1800s? Where did immigrants tend to live? What jobs did they do?
  5. Describe tenement life? How did the lives of the working poor immigrants contrast with that of the rich?
  6. Who were the city “bosses?” How did they they get and keep power? Who benefitted from bossism?
  7. Why did Chicago emerge as a major city in the late 1800s? Why did it become known as the “City of Broad Shoulders?”
  8. How and why were Chicago’s slums different from those in NYC? How did the working poor cope with the conditions they faced? What functions did saloons serve?
  9. What was important about the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago in 1893? What did it represent? How did the “White City” contrast with the realities of Chicago?
  10. Why did Chinese immigrants come to California? Why and how did Chinese American laborers help build railroads during this era?
  11. What is “nativism?” How did nativists define race in the late 1800s? Why was the Chinese Exclusion Act passed in 1882? What was important about this legislation?
  12. Why and how did many Chinese Americans maintain transnational ties?
  13. How was Chinese American identity shaped by developments in the late 1800s?
  14. How and why were cities transformed in the late 1800s? How did cities transform America?
  1. What is meant by a “new south” in the late 1800s? How was it different from the “Old South,” particularly for African Americans?
  2. What were the problems with sharecropping?
  3. What were Jim Crow laws? What was the significance of the Plessy v. Ferguson decision?
  4. How and why were black voters denied the right to vote in the late 1800s?
  5. How did lynching illustrate the southern horrors facing blacks? What were the long term effects of the physical and psychological intimidation of blacks by whites?
  6. How did Booker T. Washington propose that African Americans respond to the conditions they faced? Why did he take this position?
  7. What actions did W.E.B. DuBois propose that African Americans take to respond to the conditions they faced? Why did he take this position?
  8. What prompted Ida B. Wells to launch an anti-lynching campaign? What tactics did she use? What strategies did she encourage to counter discrimination and intimidation?
  9. What major issue did women face in the late 1800s? In what ways were women politically active at that time?
  10. Why was the Women’s Temperance Christian Union the most important women’s organization of the era? How and why did Frances Willard influence the work of the WCTU? What was the argument supporting the “home protection” ballot?
  11. What was the status of the women’s suffrage movement in the late 1800s?
  12. What explained the emergence of the black women’s club movement? What issues did these groups address? What was the main issue dividing black and white women activists?
  13. In general, what was the legacy of the struggle for African American and women’s freedom and equality in the late 1800s?

Humanities Homework Help

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