Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. artcle summary 1

this is what the professor said :

  • A scholarly, scientific article has a hypothesis and evidence, and has been published in an academic journal. I very strongly suggest that you check with me first to confirm that the articles you find are scientific.
  • Choose articles based on your research question, not based on what you think your case studies might be. (For example: if you are really interested in terrorists in China, find articles about insurgencies and terrorist groups generally; if you are really interested in corruption in Tawain, find articles about corruption generally.)
  • In about two pages per article describe, as precisely as possible, the following:
    • the research question
    • the hypothesis
    • the key independent variables
    • the dependent variable
    • the units of observation
    • the findings and conclusion

my research question is why do some rich countries have strict air pollution than others? and i choice to compare kenya and japan

independent variables the average income (write one paragraph about the independent variable in the article ) income

the the dependent variable is environmental quality (one paragraph ) outcome

the units in this article are countries because in this article the authors are comparing countries (write one paragraph about the unites in the article

the article that i want you to summaries is this ONLY THIS NO OUT SIDE SOURCES PLEASE : Selden, Thomas M., and Daqing Song. “”Environmental Quality and Development: Is There a Kuznets Curve for Air Pollution Emissions?” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management ( 1994): 147-162.

i will give you a sample of one of my friend’s paper i want you to do the same but for my article please do the same and focus to talk about that they are comparing countries and talk about the independent varib the income and the out come which is the dependent variable.

Humanities Homework Help

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