Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. SOWK6325 La Bestia Mexicans During their Journeys to the US Case Study



A few edits, such as rewarding a couple of sentences.

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Need to answer this ”
Are those strengths being maximized by the systems (community) impacting the person? How could those strengths be used to overcome poverty and oppression?”


You are required to read Enrique’s Journey (Nazario, 2007, 2014) and, using one or more individuals discussed in the book, create a case study in poverty. The case study should describe how the individual is impacted by poverty and the environment that contributes to poverty and oppression. The case study should conclude with your recommendations for improvement or change.

Note that this week video, which shows “La Beastia,” the train that Enrique took across part of

Mexico during his journeys to the U.S., and interviews individuals on the same journey and those who try to help them, will give additional insight as you develop your case study.

The website maintained by the author of Enrique’s Journey (Nazario, 2007, 2014) also gives

additional and more current information about Enrique and his family, Honduras, and

immigration policy

Your Tasks:

You are expected to write a 4 to 5 page paper exclusive of cover page and reference page. Your paper should be double spaced in time new roman 12 point font with 1 inch margins. Your paper is expected to be referenced appropriately, using APA style. ALL sources are to be referenced.

Failing to cite a source is considered academic dishonesty. Use third person throughout your

paper (not I); when making recommendations, you can say something like “Several

recommendations must be considered….” Instead of “I recommend”.

You should address the following questions in composing your case study:

• Who is your case study about? Give a brief description of the person and setting for

context in the introduction to your case study (be sure to reference thebook).

• What is this person’s experience with poverty and oppression? Give appropriate

examples as you describe her/his experiences.

• Using the ecological/systems framework, what micro, mezzo, and macro factors (or

micro, meso, exo, and macro factors depending on which source you use) contributed

to this person’s poverty andoppression?

• What strengths does the person possess that are enabling her/him to survive?

• Are those strengths being maximized by the systems (community) impacting the

person? How could those strengths be used to overcome poverty andoppression?

• What recommendations can you make to help this person and other members in

similar circumstances move out of poverty?

Be sure that you reference sources appropriately throughout your paper and include a reference

page (you will need to reference the Nazario book and the source(s) from which you obtained your information about the ecological/systems framework (levels of the environment). This paper is to demonstrate your ability to understand an individual’s experiences and the ways that the environment (particularly at the community and societal levels) impacts that person, in other words, your ability to think critically. It is not intended to be a research paper on poverty and oppression or on immigration. Thus, you should not need additional references/sources beyond your text and other readings included in this course. Although you may use other sources if you wish, you will be penalized if you do not also include sources required as part of this course.

Required Resources


Enrique’s Journey (Nazario, 2007, 2014)


Inside the Americas – Riding the Beast Train This is video clip of “La Beastia,” the train Enrique rode through part of Mexico, and interviews with riders and individuals trying to help them. –…


This is a website maintained by Sonia Nazario, author of Enrique’s Journey (2007, 2014), which gives updates and videos of Enrique and his family, as well as updated information about immigrants making the same journey Enrique did as well as immigration policy. –

Note: Be sure to watch the video clips of Enrique’s conversation with Nazario while Enrique is in jail awaiting deportation (available on this website).

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