Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Humanities

1. Compare the Greek arts to the Roman arts. When the Romans came to power, their art was heavily influenced by the Greeks, but with some changes. In what ways did the Romans change the Classics of the Greek artistic legacy? Include examples of how the Romans transformed Greek philosophy, architecture, theater, and sculpture and reinterpreted it into their own unique Roman style.

2. Explain the difference between text, context, and subtext and why are these terms important to the humanities when analyzing a piece of art?

3. Compare the Egyptian hieroglyphs and the Sumerian cuneiform. Based on these hieroglyphs, what can we infer was important to their communities? Today we use emoji’s, pictures that tell stories, similar to hieroglyphs. Based on our selection of emoji’s what can we infer is important to our culture? Ancient hieroglyphs are a complex system of writing where lot’s of information is expressed with just a few images. In what ways is our use of modern hieroglyphs (emoji’s) becoming more complex?

4. Hammurabi’s Code is considered a landmark of ancient civilization because it is believed to be the first complex list of communal laws to live by. Was everyone equal under the law of Hammurabi’s Code? Explain.

Consider laws that are currently in place; in your opinion, is everyone equal under the law today? Explain.

5. What are 2 major contributions to the art world that come from the Greeks and the Greek legacy? Why are these art forms considered “classics”?

6. What are the six elements of drama AND their function in theater as described and analyzed by Aristotle in The Poetics? According to Aristotle, which element is the least important and why? Why are all of these elements still relevant today?

7. Based on the video Engineering an Empire Name two major achievements in Roman architecture? How did they lead to the advancement or betterment of civilization?

Humanities Homework Help

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