Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. I need three article


What are some multicultural/anti-bias considerations to consider in early care and education settings?Discussion Rubric for additional instructions for composing your response. .



Directions: Spend 15 minutes outside or inside your home or school exploring your environment. As you explore your environment use your senses After exploring your environment write a one page paper answering these questions below:

  • List everything you see.
  • Breathe in and describe what you smell.
  • Close your eyes and list the sounds that you hear. Where did they come from?
  • Touch something (not another person) close by and describe how it feels.
  • How did it feel to slow down and just utilize your senses?

The assignment will be in an essay format. Standard Guideline: Typed, Font Times New Roman or Arial, Size 11/12 Font, double spaced. Check for spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Rubric for Exploring Your Environment Assignment.pdf


Culturally Appropriate Positive Guidance

Directions: View the webinar ” Culturally Appropriate Positive Guidance for Young Children in Our Care” (video link below). After viewing, reflect on what the presenter had to say. Your paper will address the following:

  • Summary of the presentation and identifying the key point(s) surrounding the topic.
  • Why is this topic important to the field of Early Childhood Education?
  • Give a personal example to illustrate the main ideas or concepts that are important to you.

When writing your reflection, you want to use one outside source (not the video related to the topic). Your paper will be at least one-page. The reflection will be in an essay format. Standard Guideline: Typed, Font Times New Roman or Arial, Size 11/12 Font, double spaced. Check for spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Use APA style when citing references.

Culturally Appropriate Positive Guidance for Young Children in Our Care.Rubric for Reflection On Culturally Appropriate Positive Guidance.pdf

Requirements: Pdf

Humanities Homework Help

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