Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. APA Informative Essay On Immigration – Outline is Provided



  1. What is immigration? (Define)
    1. History/ Facts on immigration – American (Built on immigrants)
      1. 1920: Ellis Island
      2. Has it changed? (20th century?) (Government Policy- show the differences between W Bush, Obama, and Trump’s view on govt. Policy on immigration)
  2. United States-
    1. Statistics over the last 10 years on immigration.
  3. Controversy (Right vs Left)-
    1. Left: Social Justice Warrior/ Liberals vs. Right: Conservatives

This is the outline you’re going to use/ go off of when writing the paper.. You can use google scholar to find sources or any other place you can find sources. Please use only credible websites that end in .edu, .org, .gov, and .mil when using information. Make sure you cite the sources and put information in the paper. This paper should NOT be biased and should include both sides of immigration.

APA Format, double space, times new roman, and 12 font. This paper should be at least 3.5 pages.

Please include a work cited page.

Humanities Homework Help

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