Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Meeting Minutes (connected to the previous assignments)

this is coconnected for the previous assignment that you did for me you can check it here

and it is similar to this


some links required my usf ID

USERNAME: msalghamdi

password: Qq11335577

link to the course assignment


the word file has the explanation and

the handout that we discussed is this

the pdf has the things that we talked about

dont need to do part 2 in this section

This assignment has two parts:

  1. complete and submit your meeting minutes to the appropriate discussion board on Canvas (you should submit your minutes on this assignment page)
  2. after the submission deadline has passed, within 48 hours, review team members’ meeting minutes, then either explicitly approve each team members’ minutes, including a brief explanation for approval (2-4 sentences), or request specific revisions before issuing an approval, especially in the event of inaccuracies or inadequate information

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