Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. A teenager referred to the school social worker because of troubling content in a creative writing assignment.

For each of the following vignettes, list two different sources of data you would want to access in the case, beyond a client interview. Be specific! Don’t just say “collateral contacts”; indicate who you would want to speak with and what you would want to learn. If you want to use observation, indicate the type and what you would be looking for. (taken from Hepworth, Rooney, Rooney & Strom-Gottfried)1) A teenager referred to the school social worker because of troubling content in a creative writing assignment.

A teenager referred to the school social worker because of troubling content in a creative writing assignment.

2) A 30-year-old African American woman hospitalized with obesity, hypertension, and diabetes.

3) A Latino family referred to a family service agency because they are concerned that their 13-year-old has “taken up with a bad crowd”.

4) An 80-year-old Caucasian female placed at assisted living who refuses to leave her room for meals and group activities.

5) A 25-year-old woman recently discharged from alcohol rehab who was referred to the community agency for urinalysis and aftercare services.

Humanities Homework Help

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