Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Discussion- Fundamental Principles and Organizational Behavior

In your textbook read:

Chapter 2: “Principles of learning: Respondent and operant conditioning and human behavior”

Provided below in an attachment.

Visit the following website and review the article:

Lattal, A. (n.d). Behavior Watch: Mind the gap: Inconsistencies between rules and consequences.Retrieved from

Visit the following website and watch the video about learning:

Andover P. (n.d.). The difference between classical and operant conditioning [Video file]. Retrieved from

Discussions are fundamental to shared learning, so please be sure to participate early and often!

After you have completed the Reading, and without reviewing your classmate’s responses, post your initial response to the following Discussion. Your post should be at least 400–450 words in length and should extend the discussion of the group supported by your course materials and/or other appropriate resources.

After you have submitted your initial post, take time to review your classmates’ responses and to respond specifically and substantially to at least two of them. Refer to the Discussion Rubric for specific grading explanation.

Fundamental Principles and Organizational Behavior

Human behavior is extremely complex, there are many factors that contribute to the occurrence of a specific behavior. This can get increasingly complex when analyzing behaviors within an organization. Your textbook includes a discussion of many principles of Applied Behavior Analysis and applications to Organizational Behavior management including conditioning, verbal behavior, and rule governed behavior.

For your Discussion you will review the fundamental principles of applied behavior analysis and extend your application by describing how these principles influence the behavior of individuals within organizations.

  1. Describe the following:
    1. respondent conditioning
    2. operant conditioning
  2. Provide a specific real life example of respondent and operant conditioning.
  3. Discuss verbal and rule governed behavior. Describe the importance of these concepts in understanding behavior and creating behavior management plans for organizations.

Notes: For your discussion of respondent and operant conditioning you should include a discussion of the key variables i.e unconditioned stimulus and conditioned stimulus for respondent and the three-term contingency for operant conditioning.

Humanities Homework Help

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