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Humanities Homework Help. 55 American History multiple choice questions DUE IN EXACTLY ONE HOUR! only bid if you can COMPLETE IT ON TIME.

Question 1 2 pts

The Cuban Missile Crisis (or face-off) was the closest the United States and Soviet Russia ever came to direct armed conflict with each other during the Cold War.



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Question 2 2 pts

Throughout the decade of the 1950s the United States experienced a tremendous amount of population growth. This was due, in large part, to the baby boom, which peaked in 1957.



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Question 3 2 pts

Even though he was not responsible for causing the Great Depression, many Americans blamed Franklin D. Roosevelt for the depression because of his poor relief efforts. Consequently, Roosevelt is historically known as a poor president.



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Question 4 2 pts

The Manhattan Project was a top-secret operation authorized by President Truman to create an atomic bomb for the United States.



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Question 5 2 pts

During the Korean War, Soviet Russia and the United States waged war against each other for direct control of the Korean peninsula.



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Question 6 2 pts

The Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 caused the United States to directly enter World War II.



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Question 7 2 pts

In 1961, Soviet Russia achieved another major victory in the Space Race by sending the first man into space.



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Question 8 2 pts

On July 20, 1969, the United States achieved its greatest victory in the Space Race: successfully landing the first man on the moon.



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Question 9 2 pts

The Interstate Highway Act of 1956 was the most expensive public works project in American history.



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Question 10 2 pts

After the attack on Pearl Harbor, Japanese and Japanese-Americans in the United States were not subject to any sort of suspicion and they were free to conduct their lives undisturbed after the attack.



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Question 11 2 pts

During the 1920s the flapper became the symbol for a new female identity. All American women fit the image and criteria to be a flapper.



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Question 12 2 pts

Aside from being an ideological conflict, the Cold War was also an intense competition between the United States and Soviet Russia, especially in the arena of scientific development and technology. In 1957, Soviet Russia achieved a major victory in this arena with the successful launch of a satellite, Sputnik, into space.



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Question 13 2 pts

Franklin D. Roosevelt is the only person in American history to ever be elected president four times.



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Question 14 2 pts

The Vietnam War was the most successful war in American history. The United States successfully defeated the North Vietnamese communists at very little expense and loss of human life. As a result, the Vietnam War was well received by the American people.



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Question 15 2 pts

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was an alliance made during World War II between the United States and England. The goal of this alliance was to prevent the spread of communism during and after the war.



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Question 16 2 pts

What motivated direct U.S. participation in the conflict in Vietnam?

The U.S. commitment to prevent the spread of communism.

The desire to prevent a future world war on the destructive scale of World War II.

The desire to turn the American public’s attention away from the violent incidents occurring during the Civil Rights Movement in the southern United States.

The U.S. commitment to overthrow the communist regime of Fidel Castro in Cuba.

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Question 17 2 pts

The presidential election of 1960 was one of the closest elections in American history, in terms of the popular vote; Kennedy edged Nixon by just 120,000 popular votes. Aside from this narrow margin, what else was the election of 1960 notable for?

Kennedy’s admission of an inappropriate relationship with the American actress, Marilyn Monroe.

Nixon’s admission that he secretly recorded private conversations in the White House.

The presidential debates prior to the election were the first to ever be televised in the United States; it is likely that Kennedy’s youthful and attractive appearance on television helped him win the popular vote in the election.

Nixon expressed his desire to limit American military presence in Vietnam.

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Question 18 2 pts

Which of the following was not a piece of New Deal legislation developed by President Roosevelt?

Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC)

Federal Emergency Relief Act (FERA)

National Labor Relations Act

Glass-Steagall Banking Act

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Question 19 2 pts

Which of the following was a cause of World War II?

Rise of aggressive authoritarian heads of state in Germany and Italy.

German resentment resulting from the unfair penalties of the Treaty of Versailles.

Nazi Germany’s invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939.

All of the above.

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Question 20 2 pts

Which of the following best describes the New Deal?

President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s attempt to alleviate the effects of the Great Depression in the United States. It focused mostly on recovery and relief for the American people.

President Woodrow Wilson’s plan for freedom and democracy around the world.

The name for President Lyndon B. Johnson’s expansive social welfare program.

President Eisenhower’s strategy to increase government spending on the military.

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Question 21 2 pts

Prior to the Lend-Lease Program, what was the name of the policy for which the United States provided war resources and material to England during World War II?

The Marshall Plan.

The New Deal.

Cash-and-Carry program.

The Warsaw Pact.

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Question 22 2 pts

What was the defining symbol of American consumerism during the 1920s?

The radio.

The automobile.

Motion pictures.

Professional baseball.

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Question 23 2 pts

Why did President Harry S. Truman decide to use the atomic bomb on Japan?

As a demonstration of America’s strength to Soviet Russia.

To destroy Japan’s ability to wage war.

It was an alternative to an amphibious invasion of Japan, which would have resulted in the deaths of thousands of American soldiers.

All of the above.

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Question 24 2 pts

As president, Lyndon B. Johnson expanded the social welfare programs in the United States. Which of the following is a piece of social welfare legislation passed during Johnson’s presidency?


Economic Opportunity Act.

Higher Education Act.

All of the above.

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Question 25 2 pts

Which of the following was an effect of the Great Depression on American society?

Many Americans who had purchased stock on margin lost their money.

Small-to-medium businesses shut down.

Many working class Americans were laid off and became unemployed.

All of the above.

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Question 26 2 pts

In what year did Jackie Robinson first play for the Brooklyn Dodgers and why was it important?

1947; important because it marked the beginning of the end of segregation in professional baseball and other professional sports.

1949; important because Robinson led the Dodgers to their first ever World Series appearance.

1955; important because Robinson led the Dodgers to their first World Series championship.

1957; important because Robinson stole home in the 1957 World Series against the New York Yankees.

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Question 27 2 pts

After both the United States and Soviet Russia developed the hydrogen bomb in the 1950s, both countries created countless numbers of these weapons. Neither country, however, was willing to use the weapon against the other for fear of retaliation. What was the acronym used to describe this hesitancy to use nuclear bombs?

WPA (Works Progress Administration).

MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction).

UN (United Nations)

NATO (North American Treaty Organization)

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Question 28 2 pts

The 1920s witnessed a growth in Black Nationalism and a return to African cultural heritage within the African-American community in the United States. In which American city was this Black Nationalism, and a return to African roots, centered?





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Question 29 2 pts

Which of the following is not true of the United States during the 1920s?

A period of immigration restriction.

A period during which American society increasingly became a consumer culture.

A period of economic growth during which the gap between the wealthy and the working class was significantly reduced.

A decade of culture clash, namely older, conservative values clashing with newer, liberal values.

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Question 30 2 pts

What impact did World War II have on the United States?

American industry grew, especially in the western United States; consequently, the population of the western United States increased, as Americans migrated west for employment.

American wartime industry grew tremendously and sparked an increase in the American economy, pulling the United States out of the Great Depression.

The American government flooded the nation with advertisements and war propaganda designed to inspire patriotism among Americans, raise money for the war effort, and vilified American’s enemies.

All of the above.

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Question 31 2 pts

______________________ was a Supreme Court Case in 1954 that declared separate facilities in the sphere of public education to be inherently unequal and, thus, unconstitutional. This decision resulted in the gradual desegregation of public schools in the United States of America.

Possible answers (do not type in the lettered option):

a. Regents of the University of California vs. Bakke

b. Plessy vs. Ferguson

c. Brown vs. Board of Education

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Question 32 2 pts

__________________ was a leader of the Civil Rights Movement who adopted the Nation of Islam while incarcerated. This individual was dissatisfied with the progress of peaceful civil rights protest, and instead encouraged the African-American community to achieve its civil rights and to fight racism by “any means necessary.”

Possible answers (do not type in the lettered option):

a. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

b. Rosa Parks

c. Malcolm X

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Question 33 2 pts

_________________ was a seamstress and a secretary for the NAACP. On December 1, 1955 this individual was arrested in Montgomery, Alabama for refusing to vacate a seat for a white passenger. The incident resulted in the Montgomery bus boycott and was a monumental event in the Civil Rights Movement.

Possible answers (do not type in the lettered option):

a. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

b. Rosa Parks

c. Malcolm X

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Question 34 2 pts

The ___________________ was a small conflict that took place within the larger Cold War. Taking place from 1950-1953, this conflict ultimately proved inconclusive for the United States.

Possible answers (do not type in the lettered option):

a. Korean War

b. Vietnam War

c. Cuban Missile Crisis

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Question 35 2 pts

Mexicans were one of many minority groups to enjoy many new economic opportunities during World War II. During the war, Mexican workers who legally worked in the U.S. agricultural sector were called ___________________.

Possible answers (do not type in the lettered option):

a. Zoot Suits

b. Braceros

c. Wetbacks

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Question 36 2 pts

Despite the Migratory Labor Agreement between Mexico and the United States, which granted temporary work visas for Mexican laborers in the United States, thousands of Mexicans crossed illegally into the United States. From 1953-1954, the United States government launched ________________, resulting in the forcible deportation of thousands of Mexicans illegally residing in the United States.

Possible answers (do not type in the lettered option):

a. Sputnik

b. Operation Wetback

c. The Bay of Pigs invasion

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Question 37 2 pts

The ____________________ was a statement made by the President of the United States in 1947 declaring that the United States should protect the people of the world from the influence of communism and Soviet Russia.

Possible answers (do not type in the lettered option):

a. Manhattan Project

b. Marshall Plan

c. Truman Doctrine

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Question 38 2 pts

_____________________ was the central figure of the Civil Rights Movement during the 1950s and 1960s. This individual encouraged the African-American community to achieve their civil rights via peaceful, non-violent protests and demonstrations. Among other exploits, this individual is notable for delivering the famous “I Have A Dream” speech in Washington D.C. in August 1963.

Possible answers (do not type in the lettered option):

a. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

b. Rosa Parks

c. Malcolm X

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Question 39 2 pts

The ___________________ was a piece of civil rights legislation that prohibited literacy tests, poll taxes, and other suffrage restrictions directed toward the black community in the southern United States.

Possible answers (do not type in the lettered option):

a. Voting Rights Act of 1965

b. Civil Rights Act of 1964

c. Equal Pay Act of 1963

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Question 40 2 pts

_________________ was the United States’ official policy in regard to communism. According to this policy, the United States was committed to keeping communism localized to Soviet Russia.

Possible answers (do not type in the lettered option):

a. Containment

b. The Marshall Plan

c. The Roosevelt Corollary

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Question 41 2 pts

This reading is a letter addressed to the President of the United States. The author of the letter, an African-American woman, pleads the President to alleviate the economic hardships experienced by the African-American community during the Great Depression.

Albert Einstein, Letter to President Roosevelt

Debating Immigration Restriction

Okies in California

National Origins Act

Mrs. Henry Weddington, Letter to President Roosevelt.

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Question 42 2 pts

This reading is a first-hand testimonial account of the living conditions of western American migrants in the 1930s. The author reveals that many of these migrants lived in shantytowns with overcrowded and unhealthy conditions, such as contaminated water as the main source of drinking water.

Okies in California

Women on the Breadlines

Debating Immigration Restriction

Motion Picture Diaries

Japanese Relocation Order

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Question 43 2 pts

This reading is a first-hand testimonial account of the hardships experienced by women living in Minneapolis, Minnesota during the Great Depression. For example, the author reveals that, due to the lack of employment opportunities, many women had to rely on charities that provided basic necessities like food and shelter.

Women on the Breadlines

Okies in California

Speakeasies in New York

Motion Picture Diaries

Petting and Necking

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Question 44 2 pts

This reading is a series of accounts by young Americans relating their impressions of and responses to movies in the 1920s.

Motion Picture Diaries

Petting and Necking

The Automobile comes to Middletown

Women on the Breadlines

Letter to President Roosevelt

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Question 45 2 pts

This primary source is a public statement issued by the President of the United States in 1962. In the statement, the President informs the American people of a “clear and present danger” presented to the United States, and the rest of the western hemisphere, by the buildup of Soviet arms in a large island in the Caribbean.

Harry S. Truman, Statement on the Atomic Bomb

John F. Kennedy, The Cuban Missile Crisis

Franklin Roosevelt, First Inaugural Address

Herbert Hoover, Speech at New York City

Franklin Roosevelt, Japanese Relocation Order

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Question 46 2 pts

This reading is an excerpt from a psychological study on sexual attitudes among young college women in the United States during the 1920s. The study reveals that young college women were not shy about engaging in intimate touching and kissing with men, an indication that increased sexuality was not taboo among the youth in America.

Motion Picture Diaries

The Automobile comes to Middletown

Petting and Necking

Speakeasies in New York

Women on the Breadlines

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Question 47 2 pts

This reading is a letter addressed to the President of the United States. The author of the letter, a German immigrant, advises the President to dedicate American resources to the research and development of a new type of energy source that could potentially be harnessed into a powerful weapon.

Mrs. Henry Weddington, Letter to President Roosevelt

Harry S. Truman, Statement on the Atomic Bomb

John F. Kennedy, The Cuban Missile Crisis

Herbert Hoover, Speech at New York City

Albert Einstein, Letter to President Roosevelt

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Question 48 2 pts

This reading is part of a larger sociological study that documents the social, cultural, and financial effects of a revolutionary means of conveyance in Muncie, Indiana during the 1920s.

Motion Picture Diaries

Speakeasies in New York

Petting and Necking

The Automobile comes to Middletown

Okies in California

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Question 49 2 pts

This reading contains two arguments from the 1920s regarding the admission of foreigners to the United States. The first argument attempts to persuade federal legislators to stop the admission of foreigners because foreigners threaten the preservation and safety of American ideals and institutions. The second argument attempts to persuade federal legislators to stop the admission of foreigners because foreigners will become a financial burden to the United States.

National Origins Act

Herbert Hoover, Speech at New York City

Franklin Roosevelt, Japanese Relocation Order

Debating Immigration Restriction

The Marshall Plan

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Question 50 2 pts

This reading is a declaration by an American President describing the awesome power of America’s new weapon developed during World War II. In the declaration, the President expresses his plans for the United States to harness the power of this weapon for everyday use.

Herbert Hoover, Speech at New York City

Franklin Roosevelt, First Inaugural Address

Harry S. Truman, Statement on the Atomic Bomb

John F. Kennedy, The Cuban Missile Crisis

Franklin Roosevelt, Japanese Relocation Order

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Question 51 2 pts

Who was the first man to walk on the moon?

John Glenn

Neil Armstrong

Yuri Gagarin

Buzz Aldrin

James Lovell

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Question 52 2 pts

On what day and time did Ybarra host online conferencing hours for the Fall 2018 semester?

Mondays from 3-4 PM

Tuesdays from 11 AM – 12 PM

Wednesdays from 5-6 PM

Thursdays from 7-8 PM

Fridays from 9-10 AM

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Question 53 2 pts

Who was the first (and only) man to resign as President of the United States of America?

John F. Kennedy

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Richard M. Nixon

Lyndon B. Johnson

Harry S. Truman

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Question 54 2 pts

What was the name for poor shantytowns that were common during the Great Depression in the United States of America?

Hoover Dams

Hoover shacks


Hoover homes

Hoover tents

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Question 55 2 pts

What is the name of the nuclear chain reaction utilized in the hydrogen bomb?

Nuclear friction

Nuclear fission

Nuclear fraction

Nuclear fusion

Nuclear faction

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