Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. I want three esay

1-Why are partnerships with families important in literacy development? How would you facilitate literacy for young children in your program?Review Discussion Board Guidelines.pdf and Discussion Rubric for additional instructions for composing your response.

2-Reading to Young Children (Infants, toddlers, pre-k, kindergarten, first – third grade)


  • Create or select a book appropriate to read to young children.
  • Complete the Activity Plan Worksheet ( Activity Plan Worksheet Revised.doc).
  • After completing the Activity Plan Worksheet read the book to a small group of children.
  • After reading the book, write a paper to reflect on how the activity went. Your paper will include the following:
      • What age group did you read to?
      • Was your book developmentally appropriate for that age group and what made it appropriate?
      • How did the children respond to the book?
      • What activities could be done to extend the story?
      • What modifications/changes (e.g., location, time off the day, age group) would you make next time you read the book?

Your reflection paper will be at least one-page. The assignment will be in an essay format. Standard Guideline: Typed, Font Times New Roman or Arial, Size 11/12 Font, double spaced. Check for spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Use APA style when citing references.

Note: Due to COVID-19 and access restrictions to some programs and facilities, this activity can be conducted with young children who are family members. Please ensure you reach out to me if you believe you might have issues completing this activity.

Remember to submit both the Activity Plan Worksheet and your Reflection Paper.

Updated Rubric for Completing Activity Plan and Reading Book .pd

3- Supporting Children’s Sense of Self

Directions: In Chapter 7 (7.4: Introducing to the Foundations) read, “How teachers can support children’s development of Self”. There were a lot of strategies listed ( 7.4: Introducing to the Foundations) for teachers to help support children’s developing sense of self. After reading write a one page paper addressing the questions below:

  • Of the strategies listed which are the top five that stood out to you and why?
  • Are there any strategies that you are unsure about?
  • Are there other strategies not listed you would use?

Your paper will be at least one-page. The reflection will be in an essay format. Standard Guideline: Typed, Font Times New Roman or Arial, Size 11/12 Font, double spaced. Check for spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Use APA style when citing references.

Rubric Reflection Paper .pdf

Please cite the sources at each point

Humanities Homework Help

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