Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Hist149B American Indian Movement (1968-1973)

What were the goals, challenges, and achievements of
the American Indian Movement (AIM) between 1968 and 1973? Please respond directly to this
question, make a clear thesis statement, cite Calloway, Smith, and Warrior as well as the PBS episode
“Wounded Knee.” Use at least fifteen footnotes. Papers should be no more than six pages long,
including a cover sheet with your paper titled, your name, the date, and History 149A. Your paper
should be in Times New Roman 12 point font with one inch margins all around. Footnotes should be
single-spaced. Do not submit your paper in PDF format.

Must use only these sources:

Colin G. Calloway, First Peoples: A Documentary Survey of American Indian History
(Bedford/St. Martin’s, 6th edition, 2018), 704 pages. We will focus only on the second half of this
textbook in this course. Note: This book can be rented from

Paul Chaat Smith and Robert Warrior, Like A Hurricane: The Indian Movement from Alcatraz
to Wounded Knee (New Press, 1997), 297 text pages.

“We Shall Remain,” multi-part 2009 PBS documentary: Part 5, “Wounded Knee”
(These are available online via YouTube)

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