HR Management Homework Help

HR Management Homework Help. Hello HR in Banking essay. 1000 words (use a minimum of 6 references, APA style with in-text citation) The paper must be in an essay format and not just answering the questions. Topic: Many organiza


HR in Banking essay.

1000 words (use a minimum of 6 references, APA style with in-text citation)

The paper must be in an essay format and not just answering the questions. 

Topic: Many organizations have long or short processes of recruitment (hiring ):

1.Discuss the issues with long and difficult recruitment processes (such as exams, difficult questions, several interviews and etc) from the organizational and the candidates’ perspectives. (Such as financial, psychological and etc.)

2. Discuss the issues with having a normal or typical recruitment process time (such as exams, difficult questions, several interviews and etc) from the organizational and the candidates’ perspectives. (Such as financial, psychological and etc.)

3.Discuss the issues with very short and fairly easy recruitment processes, from the organizational and the candidates’ perspectives. (Such as financial, psychological and etc.)

4. Without using any names, compare and discuss questions 1,2,3 in banks (Banking sectors). How different requirement processes in banks effect the banks and the future candidates. 

5. Discuss and compare the issues of hiring processes at governmental owned and private banks.

HR Management Homework Help

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