Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. ​Nonfiction Narrative: Food or Music Prompt


Based off the lecture, it’s time for you to choose a nostalgic moment that you connect strongly with that is grounded either in music or food (choose one or the other, NOT both). Remember, this story must be a factual story; one that presents a clear memory. That being said, this is a creative assignment, so please use literary techniques to make your story more interesting for your reader. Use vivid descriptions and try to appeal to all the human senses. Don’t shy away from describing color, texture, smell, sound, and so forth. I encourage you to include dialog, and lyrical and figurative language (alliteration, simile, metaphor, personification). Play with narration and narrative structure. You don’t have tell it in chronological order and in the 1st person. There are many options: flashbacks, braid narratives together, or collage memories.I advise you to avoid being kitsch and overly sentimental. However, you still need to tap into your emotions and allow them to pass onto your reader. It really is a delicate line, and your peers will be an excellent source in assisting you. Whatever the case, just don’t be boring. Your goal is to entertain, so think of your readers. Requirements: Your 1st draft must be a minimum of 4 pages. Final draft is 5-7 pages. Double spaced Times New Roman, 12 font 1” Margin (If you want to take a creative approach when formatting, please pass it by me first)

Health Medical Homework Help

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