Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. 3 part gloabl health project

  1. Professional nurses in the 21st century should have an understanding of current global health issues and the implications of the issues.

  2. Course Competency

  3. Analyze the incidence, distribution, and control of emerging healthcare concerns in global populations.

  4. Project Part 1

    As your final course project, you will be preparing a poster presentation for an upcoming global health conference. Your poster will be about a disease affecting a global population. You plan to present the incidence and prevalence of the disease within the population, and discuss efforts to control, eliminate, and eradicate the disease. Before you can complete the poster, you need to do some research. For the first part of the project, you will choose a significant global health issue and complete a paper as per the instructions below. You may choose a specific disease, population, nation, etc. For example, you might choose Ebola in Africa, diabetes in American Indians, etc.


    Content:In essay format, do the following:

    • Explain the global health issue
    • Describe the population affected by the disease, including demographics
    • Present the incidence and prevalence of the disease within the population
    • Discuss the implications of the global health issue


    • Your final essay should be 3-4 pages.
    • Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.)
    • Logical, original, and insightful
    • Professional organization, style, and mechanics in APA format
    • Submit document through GrammarlyModule 06 Course Project – Part 2

      Module 06 Content

      1. Purpose

        It is important for nurses to understand how determinants of health impact global health issues and be able to identify solutions.

      2. Competency

        Integrate social determinants, ethical concerns, and human rights for high-risk and vulnerable global populations.

      3. Scenario for Part 2 of Course Project

        You are continuing to prepare for the upcoming global health conference where you will present a poster presentation. In part 1 of your project, you chose a significant global health issue as your focus and researched the incidence, prevalence and implications. Now, you will explore how determinants of health impact your identified global health issue.

      4. Instructions

        In essay format, do the following:

        • Identify and describe your global health issue
        • Identify and discuss at least three determinants of health and how they impact your issue
        • Discuss at least three ways to address the determinants of health to positively impact your issue

        Your final essay should be 3-4 pages. Use APA format for citations and references.


    • Module 09 Course Project – Final Project Due

      Module 09 Course Project – Final Project


      You are continuing to prepare for the upcoming global health conference where you will present a poster presentation. In the first part of your project, you chose a significant global health issue as your focus and researched the incidence, prevalence and implications. In the second part of your project, you discussed how determinants of health impact your issue. For the final part of your project, you will research strategies to control the global health issue, and put everything together in a poster presentation.You may use the template linked below, or you may create your own.Poster-Template-(Editing-allowed).pptx
      You may combine information under headings, but your poster must address the required components:

      • Title and your name
      • Significance of the issue
      • Incidence, prevalence, & implications of the issue
      • Impact of determinants of health on the global health issue
      • Strategies to address the issue, including each of the following:
      • Efforts to control, eliminate, and eradicate the disease/issue
      • Approaches to reduce a health disparity
      • Interventions to improve healthcare access
      • Use in-text citations and references.

Health Medical Homework Help

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