Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. MHW 634 NYU The Chehalis Tribe & Hispanic Culture Discussion



The Chehalis Tribe is a culture that is deeply impacted by drug and alcohol. “Compared with other youth ethnocultural populations, research has shown that Indigenous youth populations (e.g., American Indian, Alaskan Native, and Native Hawaiian youth) have some of the highest rates and earliest initiation of substance use” (Okamoto, et al., 2014 p 2).

The Chehalis Tribe has a program, called Chehalis Tribal Tsapowum Behavioral Health Center. Mental health care workers need to contact this program and connect the tribal youth with a program that focuses on using their culture to help them heal. They can partner with the services so the patient gets the best care by putting programs in place outside the tribal community. The behavioral health center services tribal community members, and non-tribal living on or near the reservation (Confederated Tribes of the Chehalis Reservation, 2021).

“Services include– Intensive Outpatient, Outpatient, and DUI Services. We provide prevention programming for the community, which includes programs in the youth center and annual events. We work with victims and survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault or stalking. We have master level licensed mental health counselors to address: Grief/Loss, depression, PTSD, trauma etc. and provide individual and family therapy” ((Confederated Tribes of the Chehalis Reservation, 2021).


Okamoto, S. K., Helm, S., Pel, S., McClain, L. L., Hill, A. P., & Hayashida, J. K. P. (2014). Developing empirically based, culturally grounded drug prevention interventions for indigenous youth populations. The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, 41(1), 8–19.

Confederated Tribes of the Chehalis Reservation. (2021, April 28). Chehalis Tribal Tsapowum Behavioral Health Center. The Chehalis Tribe.…


Latinos are the largest racial minority group in the United States. Latina/os are at risk for substance abuse due to the following factors, high rates of poverty, minority status, and residential concentrations in regions with widespread drug and alcohol supply. Discrimination increases the likelihood of substance abuse, and statistics show that 39% of Latinos and 29% of Latinas report everyday discrimination. Another vital consideration to keep in mind is over the past decade, the United States has reached historic numbers of deportations. Three million migrants have been deported since 2008 and 90% are of Latino origin. Emerging discoveries from recent research have found deportations as a structural determinant of substance abuse, specifically with Latinos in the United States. U.S. citizen Latinos who have had a family member deported have a greater chance of reporting drug use disorders in comparison to Whites. The deportation of family members is so traumatizing, and individuals turn to prescription drug misuse to cope (Pinedo, 2020). It is important to note with this given topic that Latino immigrants are less likely to use substances than those born in the U.S. Acculturation has been a critical factor in predicting drinking patterns, especially in women. The more immersed they are in American life, the higher rates of alcohol consumption (Villalobos & Bridges, 2018).

There are multiple barriers to substance abuse identification and assessment in the Latino culture. Latinos usually have been very tentative to use behavioral health services because of the high level of stigmatization in the culture and instinctual nature to get help from chosen support people. There is also the cultural value of “familismo,” which upholds loyalty; therefore, it might be difficult for some family members to “out” someone in the family with a substance abuse issue because it is disrespectful. Other obstacles are language barriers, socioeconomic considerations, and immigration status, which may restrict payment for treatment. Primary considerations for prevention planning with Latino cultures are cultural competence, understanding norms and meanings around alcohol and drug use. Programs must employ bilingual staff, provide materials that are in Spanish, and implement culturally sensitive treatment. One fundamental starting point in getting individuals to seek help is to destigmatize behavioral health treatment (Andrews, 2008).

Andrews, C. (2008). An exploratory study of substance abuse among latino older adults. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 51:1-2, 87-108, doi: 10.1080/01634370801967570

Pinedo, M. (2020). Deportation of family members of us-citizen latinos and misuse of prescription drugs: United states. American Journal of Public Health, 110(4), 560–566.…

Villalobos, B. T., & Bridges, A. J. (2018). Prevalence of substance use disorders among Latinos in the United States: An empirical review update. Journal of Latina/o Psychology, 6(3), 204–219.…


The culture that I chose to research in my community is the Hispanic culture because it is the highest population in my community and it is the culture that I am around most often in my personal life and at work. A study done about the drinking and drug habits of the Latino culture shares a theory on a possible explanation to drug and alcohol usage. The main objective of the study was to examine the prevalence and patterns of alcohol and drug usage among Hispanic/Latino adults of diverse backgrounds. They stated that Hispanic women have historically shown lower levels of alcohol consumption compared to women of other racial/ethnic heritages (Garcia et. al., 2019). This was not the same for men of the same culture. Men have shown to have a higher rate of drug and alcohol use in the Latino culture. Although the drug and alcohol use are not extremely high in this culture, when the influence of acculturation is more consistent throughout life, this number increases. Especially in the data relating to women, when they spend more of their life with other cultures, the number of drugs and alcohol they consume also increases. The amount of acculturation does not have the same effect on the male population of the Latino population. Research was also done to study the risk of “problem drinking” among this culture. “Problem Drinking” is characterized by drinking that is severe enough or frequent enough to be diagnosed with an alcohol disorder. “Latinos have much lower rates of at-risk drinking (e.g., 15 or more per week for men; 8 or more per week for women) as compared to other ethnicities” (Garcia et. al., 2019).

Mental health workers need to incorporate culture and ethnic groups with prevention planning to make all cultures in the community feel comfortable and welcome. As a mental health professional planning a prevention program, I would make sure my program was staffed with a diverse group of professionals. I have heard more times than I would like that people did not feel comfortable attending a support group or a program because there was no one from their race or culture there. I would never want someone to feel uncomfortable based on the way they look or what they believe in. everyone deserves support and help no matter what they believe in or what they look like. I would make sure that the professionals that work for my program are competent in cultural integration and are aware of the cultures in the community.


  • Garcia, M. L., Lopez-Gurrola, M., Stoutenberg, M., Emory, K., Daviglus, M. L., Kaplan, R., Giachello, A. L., Molina, K. M., Perreira, K. M., Youngblood, M. E., Vidot, D. C., & Talavera, G. A. (2019, April 4). Alcohol use, acculturation and socioeconomic status among Hispanic/Latino men and women: The Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos. PLOS ONE.

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