Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. NYU Promoting Healthy Habits Getting Started and Staying Motivated Discussion Questions

2-3 sentences for each question and bullet point

  1. When it comes to you, which level of motivation discussed on pages 62 and 63 typically prompts you into action? Is there one that governs most areas of your life? Or do you use different types of motivation depending on the situation?
    1. Reflect on the major activities, duties, and goals in your life – note which levels of motivation are the main players and why.
    2. Also reflect on whether this is suitable or worthy of improvement/change.
  2. Which type of self-efficacy do you typically exhibit: task or barrier?
    1. As with motivation in question 1, does your self-efficacy change between situations? Discuss.
  3. Discuss examples of Mastery Experiences, Vicarious Experiences, Verbal Persuasion and Physiological Feedback in your life.
    1. Are there any areas you think need improvement in your level of confidence?
  4. Identify a health-related goal you have.
    1. Write down your SMARTS plan
      1. Utilize some of the tips for Sticking with Your Plan that starts on page 68
      2. You can also consider some of the Suggestions for Overcoming Barriers, if they’re applicable. If you will be using some, please note what they are in this reflection.
    2. Decided who your social support person will be.
      1. Why are you choosing this person?
      2. Share your goal and plans with him/her
      3. What was his/her response?
    3. What are your foreseeable barriers and setbacks?
      1. How will you deal with them?
    4. How will you self-monitor?
      1. For example, can you build this into your Wellness work for Project 2? Some other way?
      2. Create a contract for yourself. Sign it and print and put it somewhere you will see it EVERY DAY.

Workout reflection:

Please reflect on the workout you did in the last class: willPower.

  1. Describe your experience in detail (Good/bad/fair, most importantly: why)
    1. If you didn’t feel as successful as you hoped, discuss your thoughts about what YOU could do to make your experience better?
    2. If the workout or parts were easy, what could you do next time to challenge yourself?

Health Medical Homework Help

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