Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. NUR 4153CBE Rasmussen College Nurses Practice in Challenging Environment Paper

Module 03 Content

  1. Purpose of Assignment:

    Nurses practice in diverse, challenging environments requiring abilities to meaningfully connect with situations and clients to deliver safe, effective, quality collaborative care


    Explain the impact of relational inquiry when recognizing and analyzing cues to action in the process of clinical reasoning.


    Content:You are a nursing student in a BSN Program, currently enrolled in a Leadership course. As part of your current immersion experience, you are working with the charge nurse in the operating room. In pre-op on the first day of this clinical experience, you observe an upset client refusing to sign a surgery consent unless a small religious object could accompany him and stay attached to his body. This object is a key component of his cultural beliefs, and he will cancel the surgery if he is unable to keep the religious object attached to his body. The charge nurse states, “Let me check and see what we can do, I will need a bit of time to collaborate with others and see if we can identify a solution.” You observe the charge nurse gather a team of nurses in the pre-op area and begin reviewing the policy and procedure manuals for the facility to determine if a solution can be identified to allow the object to be taken into the operating room. While the healthcare team was looking for a solution, someone recommended that the object is wrapped in a non-conductive material, and applied to the client under a sterile dressing. According to policy, this would work with Surgeon approval. In post-conference, you debrief with a faculty member and discuss this powerful example of healthcare team members working together to support and respect a client’s unique cultural needs and belief system. The clinical faculty tells you to complete a clinical journal entry which describes the process involved in this example of professional practice. Include the following in your journal entry:

    • Explain how relational inquiry was applied in this situation to promote the process of clinical reasoning.
    • From context and culture
    • Optimization of health and well-being
    • Collaborating across differences
    • Do you believe this action was appropriate, and why or why not?
    • Provide a supporting argument to defend the choice for appropriate or non-appropriate response by the nurse and include personal biases.


    • Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.)
    • Logical, original and insightful
    • Professional organization, style, and mechanics in APA format
    • Submit document through Grammarly to correct errors before submission

    ResourcesHow can I make a Research Appointment with a Rasmussen College Librarian?APA GuideHamilton, S. (2016). Reflective writing: a user-friendly guide. British Journal Of Nursing, 25(16), 936-937. Link to article.McMillan-Coddington, D. (2013). Reflection through journal writing to educate registered nursing students on patient care. Teaching And Learning In Nursing, 863-67. doi:10.1016/j.teln.2012.09.004. Link to article.Regmi, K., & Naidoo, J. (2013). Understanding the processes of writing papers reflectively. Nurse Researcher, 20(6), 33-39. Link to article.

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