Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. SUNYP ACL Patella Tendon Graft Post Surgical Therapeutic Modalities & Rehab Essay

Rehab protocol: Post-surgical

Give a 6 month protocol of rehab exercises (break into phases if necessary) and including modality use (At least 2 modalities) and why you choose the modality, including the parameters of your modality!

Research more modern day rehab protocols and add or delete exercise that you think are or will be more beneficial to the rehab!

Choose either an ACL patella tendon graft post-surgical rehab OR Bankart Lesion post-surgical protocol.

You can pick your modality strategically: for example, ASAP after surgery or during a later phase of the rehab!

It should be broken up into separate sections (Pre-surgery, Post-Op days 1-2, 3-10, week 3-6 etc. and functional tests) You can write this assignment in a numbered or essay format, whichever works best for you.

Health Medical Homework Help

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