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Health Medical Homework Help. critical review

Assignment 2

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Assignment Two

Task description

Write a critical review for one of the following journal articles

Essendi, W.M., Vardo-Zalik, A.M., Lo, E., Machani, M.G., Zhou, G., Githeko, A.K., Yan, G. and Afrane, Y.A., 2019. Epidemiological risk factors for clinical malaria infection in the highlands of Western Kenya. Malaria Journal, 18(1), p.211.


Yang, X., Jin, K., Yang, F., Yuan, G., Liu, W., Xiang, L., Wu, Z., Li, Z., Mao, J., Shen, J. and Lombe, N., 2017. Nontyphoidal Salmonella gastroenteritis in Baoshan, Shanghai, China, 2010 to 2014: an etiological surveillance and case-control study. Journal of Food Protection, 80(3), pp.482-487.

(you can also access this journal via pubmed or from the reading list).

To complete this assignment you will require the following materials.

1. Read Case-control Study

2. Use the CASP tool to break down the document for your critical review.

3. Hint – We suggest you uptodate your knowledge on the microbiology of the disease.

The document titled Case-control Study provides a glossary and a narrative on preparing and interpreting a general case report. To assist in writing this essay map out your work by deconstructing the case report by preforming a Critical Appraisal using an 11 question proforma or appraisal tool also known as CASP tool.

Do not embed the question itself from the proforma into the essay, only the answer. From a broad reading of other case-control studies you will be able to interpret how the authors approached their work and the generalisability of their approach and conclusions.

Please note this critical review must be discussed in reference to infectious disease evaluation ie language and response must show some understanding of influenza. Hint: you can support your critique with material from other countries and international response and approaches to risk factors with the use of current literature. You can access the assignment rubric below as a guide to help you structure your essay.

We encourage you to prepare for this essay by using the material as outlined below and in your synopsis.

  • Guide to assignment writing is available through the following websites

LIST (Library Information Skills Tutorial) MyLO site

  • Critical Review summary

  • For this Unit please use Harvard or Vancouver Referencing style

• Library website: Access point to key services & resources

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• Research consultations: Request a one-on-one session with a Research Librarian

• Workshop & online tutorials: Find out about current library workshops and teach yourself online

Synopsis of the task and its context

This assessment task in the unit is a 2000 word critical review of a journal article.

1. To prepare for this critical review please read the above links on writing a critical review.

2. Please read the document Case-control Study and access the appraisal tool also known as CASP tool.

These will assist you in providing a balanced review of the work and help you incorporate what you have learnt in your modules to date to provide a systematic and constructive academic discussion.

Assessment criteria

For details of assessment criteria please see the Assignment 2 Rubric

Please note that Harvard or Vancouver reference style is preferred for this unit.

Links to unit’s intended learning outcomes

2 & 3

Task length

2000 words

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