Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Week 13 Health Discussion & HQ

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Assignment 1 – Discussion Board #12

Read the green box on page 356, “How Does Exercise Affect Cancer Risks”. So…….. the one big question I have for you is; In your opinion, why do large amounts of people in this country decide not to exercise? Considering there is so much strong evidence to support how good it is for us?

Assignment 2 – Discussion Board #13

480,000 Americans die each year from smoking related causes. Tobacco use accounts for 1 out of 5 adult deaths in our country. With this supporting data, do you feel there should be more government regulation on smoking in our state or country? (i.e.: like tax increase and public smoking restrictions) Or has the government done enough already? What do you think?

Assignment 3 – Complete the attached HW_4.doc file.

Thank You So Much!

Health Medical Homework Help

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