Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Applied Assistive Device Occupational Synthesis, assignment help

For this assignment you will interview an individual with a disability.  You will gather information to formulate an occupational profile and goals.  Based on the interview, you will fabricate a device to improve the individual’s ability to perform an occupation that would otherwise be too difficult without the device. The development of the device should cost no more than $30. The device is soap on a rope that the patient can wear around his neck during shower.  The presentation will be graded on the following areas:

  1. Description of the device and report on what makes your device unique to others
  2. Overview of client interview (occupational profile) and client’s desires (goals)
  3. Detailed overview of the device (reliable, safe, ease of use, ergonomically sound, cost)
  4. Research findings associated with conditions/skills impacted by the use of an assistive device
  5. Demonstration MUST be video format (preferably
  6. Future work on the device/conclusion
  7. Q & A
  8. Presentation should include a 6-10 slides with video demonstration of the device -embed the YouTube link into your PowerPoint slide. You have 6-8 minutes to present. 

    Email me your presentations the night before to upload for class presentations.

    Note: 1. Paper should consist of ONLY PowerPoint presentation including cover page and reference page.

Health Medical Homework Help

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