Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Help completing this spreadsheet

  •  Open your Unit 4 Individual Project assignment (grade book).
  • Step 2: Using your cursor, highlight the course names and the data that is next to them.
  • Step 3: Click on Insert > Charts, and select “Column Chart.”
  • Step 4: Click on the chart, and select “Cut.”
  • Step 5: Go to the bottom of your spreadsheet, and select Sheet 2. Click on a cell within that sheet.
  • Step 6: On Sheet 2, paste the chart you just copied.
  • Step 7: On the tabs at the bottom, label Sheet 1, as “Data” and Sheet 2 as “Grade Chart.”
  • Step 8: Add a title to the Grade Chart.

Step 9: Revise the chart as needed to make it look more presentabletheresapemberton_studentgradebook.xlsx 

Engineering Homework Help

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