Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Digital Image Processing Digital Image Processing Digital Image Processing

Download the image called ‘HW7_Problem1.jpg’ from the Canvas site. Convert
it to a black-and-white image if necessary. Remove noise using (1) a 7X7 average filter
and (2) a 7X7 Adaptive, Local Noise Reduction Filter covered in lecture note #12. The
variance of noise is 2,500.
2. (30pts) Download the image called ‘HW7_Problem2.jpg’ from the Canvas site. Convert
it to a black-and-white image if necessary. Remove noise using (1) a 3X3 median filter,
(2) a 13X13 median filter, and (3) an adaptive median filter (maximum size: 13X13)
covered in lecture note #12. (Note: you can use Matlab command, medfilt2, to
implement regular median filter.

Engineering Homework Help

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