Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. COVID19 Pandemic & Financial Crisis US Federal Reserve Policy Discussion

  • Choose a policy the Federal Reserve implemented during the pandemic
  • Explain why the Fed chose that policy
  • Explain how the policy is supposed to impact the economy, and if you were able to find any evidence that it is working (interest rates, unemployment, inflation, inflationary expectations, credit availability, interest rate spreads)
  • Compare what the Fed did relative to this policy during the 2007-2009 Financial crisis.
  • To what extent is it the same as in the pandemic?
  • How does it differ from the pandemic policy and why might that be so?
  • 5 double-spaced pages of text – Graphs, bibliography, notes extra
  • Documentation: Document sources – the easiest thing is to have a bibliography and then use parentheses in the text with the author’s name and a page #.
  • Economics Homework Help

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