Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Econ207 money and banking

Guidelines 1. conduct an economic analysis for one of the
countries available in the data set provided to you. The analysis should include
the following In groups of 2 to 3 students, conduct an economic analysis for one of the
countries available in the data set provided to you. The analysis should include
the following:
• Time series analysis for the period 1951–2016, for the following variables:
– Real GDP per capita
– Annual economic growth rate
– Inflation rate (has to be calculated based on the CPI)
– Money growth rate (has to be calculated based on the narrow money
– Short term interest rates
– Government bonds rate or YTM
• Scatter plot diagrams and any another type of graph of your choice,
to show the relationship between the following pair of variables. The
graph should show whether there is or not a relationship between the
two variables and it should include the trend line, and the equation of
the trend line. Use the following pairs of variables (one graph or
illustration per pair):
– Inflation rate and economic growth rate per capita
– Money supply growth rate and inflation rate
– Money supply growth rate and government bonds YTM
– Government bonds YTM and inflation rate
• Include a short analysis for each of the time series graphs and scatter plot
diagrams above.
2. The graphs and analysis should be presented in a Tableau dashboard.
3. Tableau allows you to use time filters to facilitate the comparison of variables
and relationships for different periods of time. Make sure to include a time
filter in your dashboard. use Tableau Public. also i wiil provide you with the data

Economics Homework Help

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