Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Inncludede


Posting 1 – Explain one of the following set of topics, in its entirety, that you learned about in chapters 4 through 5 in detail with examples. Seven to ten full lines minimum. Do not copy the textbooks or lecture videos or any other sources, that would be plagiarism. Write the entire topic of your choice in the DB heading, and answer all of the parts/figures within the topic.

To enhance your knowledge before you write your DB, you could click on the Modules > Lecture Videos, and watch some of the videos for chapters 4-5.

1 – Summarize one or two of the Lecture Videos at the Modules link from either chapter 4 or 5, explain the data, graphs, and calculations, in detail. If the video is longer than 10 minutes, one, if it is less than 10 minutes, two. Write the chapter number and the lecture video title at the top.

2 – Textbook Chp. 4, Explain the Midpoint Method calculation of Elasticity in detail, and choose a set of data/numbers and calculate the price elasticity of demand, show your work, and explain if it is price elastic or inelastic.
3 – Elasticity and the Demand Curve over Time Figure 4.2, and The Price Elasticity of Demand and Total Revenue Table 4.3 and Figure 4.4 in detail.
4 – Explain Income elasticity and Cross-Price elasticity, and choose a set of data/numbers and calculate the elasticities and explain the results based on the Tables 4.4, and 4.5.
5 – Choose a set of data/numbers and calculate the price elasticity of supply using the midpoint method, show your work, and explain the determinants of the price elasticity of supply.
6 – Textbook Chp. 5, Consumer and Producer Surplus …… Figure 5.5, in detail, and explain The Efficiency-Equity Debate.
7 – A Tax on Buyers Figure 5.6, and A Tax on Sellers Figure 5.7, in detail.
8 – A Realistic Example Figure 5.12, and calculation of the deadweight loss and tax revenue, in detail.
9 – Examining Deadweight loss and Tax Revenues Figure 5.13, all five scenarios in detail.

Posting 2 – Then Reply to one of your classmate’s postings in detail with Netiquette. Three to five full lines minimum. You must add something to your classmate’s posting or improve it based on your studies, not merely agreeing or disagreeing. Refer to your classmates by name, greet them, and write your name at the end of your posting .

Economics Homework Help

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