Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. According to the requirements and opinions given by the supervisor, revise the economic academic paper that has been written (this paper already has 800 words, just modify it to about 1,500 words)

Here are some advice from my supervisor:

this is a short comment to let you know that your topic is permissible. You can continue working on it, do more research, and complete the essay (for the 2nd draft). I may give you further comments within a day or two.

You have some good discussion already on the positive impact of economic growth. But I encourage you to also think about and discuss some negative aspects of economic growth, e.g. growth could lead to inequality, etc. This would make your argument more well balanced and lead to a better essay. Please think about it. I noticed that you are using the “bibliography” style when sourcing. Recall from Week 3 lecture that in economics, we use “Author-Date” style. Hence, the list of references should be at the end of your essay, rather than in a footnote. Please do so for the next draft. Also, try to find more related academic articles to back up your argument.

I also upload some ducuments to show the requirements and some examples, please read them carefully, and remember using Chicago

The document 490069143 is my first draft.

Economics Homework Help

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